Comparison: Cylinders Porsche Carrera GT (980 2003 - 2006) vs. competitors

Porsche Carrera GT - What is the cylinders of different engines?

Porsche Carrera GT engines

Porsche Carrera GT engines
450kW 2003 (m) 450 kW

The cylinders compared to other Porsche models

Porsche Carrera GT vs other current cars by Porsche

Cylinders: Carrera GT vs. other models by Porsche
Variant nameCylinders
911 Carrera Cabriolet Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 Carrera Coupé Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 GT2 Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 GT3 Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 Targa Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 Turbo Cabriolet Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
911 Turbo Coupé Carrera Cabriolet 4 Tiptronic 235 kW6
Cayenne Turbo S Tiptronic 383 kW8
Cayenne Turbo Turbo S Tiptronic 383 kW8

How does the cylinders of the Porsche Carrera GT compare to it's nearest competitors?

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