Comparison: CO2 emissions (WLTP) Lexus LBX vs. competitors 2024

Lexus LBX - What is the co2 emissions (wltp) of different engines?

Lexus LBX engines

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
Lexus LBX engines
EngineCO2 emissions (WLTP)
{automatic} 100 kW100.0 g/km

The co2 emissions (wltp) compared to other Lexus models

Lexus LBX vs other current cars by Lexus

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): LBX vs. other models by Lexus
Variant nameCO2 emissions (WLTP)
LBX {automatic} 100 kW100.0 g/km
ES 300h {automatic} 160 kW119.0 g/km
NX 450h+ AWD {automatic} 227 kW129.0 g/km
RX 500h AWD {automatic} 273 kW143.0 g/km
LM 350h Luxury E-FOUR {automatic} {4-seats} 184 kW163.0 g/km
LS 500h Automatik 264 kW177.0 g/km

How does the co2 emissions (wltp) of the Lexus LBX compare to it's nearest competitors?

Lexus LBX vs. similar cars

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Lexus LBX vs. similar cars
Car modelCO2 emissions (WLTP)
Lexus LBX 2024100.0 g/km
Alfa Romeo Junior Ibrida 1.5 VGT 48V-Hybrid 2024117.0 g/km
Alfa Romeo Tonale 1.5 T 48V-Hybrid 2022129.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz A 180 2022134.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupé 180 2023135.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz B 180 2022138.0 g/km
BMW 218i Active Tourer 2022140.0 g/km
BMW X1 sDrive18i 2022143.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz GLA 200 2020148.0 g/km
Audi A5 Sportback 40 TFSI 2020152.0 g/km
Genesis G70 2.0T 2021181.0 g/km
Jaguar E-Pace P160 2021181.0 g/km

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