Comparison: CO2 emissions (WLTP) Volvo XC60 vs. competitors 2024

Volvo XC60 - What is the co2 emissions (wltp) of different engines?

Volvo XC60 engines

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
Volvo XC60 engines
EngineCO2 emissions (WLTP)
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T6 Essential AWD Geartronic 293 kW22.0 g/km
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T6 R Design AWD Geartronic 293 kW22.0 g/km
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T8 R Design AWD Geartronic 335 kW22.0 g/km
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T8 R Design AWD Geartronic 288 kW54.0 g/km
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T6 R Design AWD Geartronic 251 kW54.0 g/km
Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T8 Polestar Performance R Design AWD Geartronic 298 kW54.0 g/km
B4 Diesel Momentum Geartronic 145 kW158.0 g/km
B5 Diesel Momentum Pro AWD Geartronic 173 kW165.0 g/km
B4 Momentum Geartronic 145 kW170.0 g/km
B5 Momentum Pro Geartronic 184 kW171.0 g/km
B6 R Design AWD Geartronic 220 kW190.0 g/km


Volvo XC60 variants: XC60 vs. XC60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Volvo XC60 variants
Variant nameCO2 emissions (WLTP)
XC60170.0 g/km
XC60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid54.0 g/km

The co2 emissions (wltp) compared to other Volvo models

Volvo XC60 vs other current cars by Volvo

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): XC60 vs. other models by Volvo
Variant nameCO2 emissions (WLTP)
V60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid V60 D3 Momentum Pro Geartronic 110 kW37.0 g/km
V90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid V90 D3 Momentum Pro 110 kW39.0 g/km
S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid V90 D3 Momentum Pro 110 kW39.0 g/km
S60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid V60 D3 Momentum Pro Geartronic 110 kW39.0 g/km
XC40 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Recharge Pure Electric Twin Motor Plus 300 kW47.0 g/km
XC60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T8 Plus Black Edition AWD Geartronic 335 kW54.0 g/km
V90 V90 D3 Momentum Pro 110 kW148.0 g/km
V60 Cross Country V60 D3 Momentum Pro Geartronic 110 kW156.0 g/km
XC40 Recharge Pure Electric Twin Motor Plus 300 kW158.0 g/km
S60 V60 D3 Momentum Pro Geartronic 110 kW161.0 g/km
XC60 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid T8 Plus Black Edition AWD Geartronic 335 kW170.0 g/km
V90 Cross Country V90 D3 Momentum Pro 110 kW175.0 g/km
S90 V90 D3 Momentum Pro 110 kW176.0 g/km
V60 V60 D3 Momentum Pro Geartronic 110 kW190.0 g/km

How does the co2 emissions (wltp) of the Volvo XC60 compare to it's nearest competitors?

Volvo XC60 vs. similar cars

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Volvo XC60 vs. similar cars
Car modelCO2 emissions (WLTP)
Volvo XC60 B4 Diesel 2021158.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz GLC 200 2022164.0 g/km
Cadillac XT4 350D 2020167.0 g/km
Audi Q5 40 TDI 2020168.0 g/km
Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0 Turbo 16V 2023189.0 g/km
Jaguar F-Pace P250 2021209.0 g/km
Audi Q7 45 TDI 2019215.0 g/km
Audi Q8 50 TDI 2018216.0 g/km
Genesis GV70 2.5T 2021216.0 g/km
ALPINA XD3 2021224.0 g/km
ALPINA XD4 2021224.0 g/km
Porsche Macan 2021228.0 g/km

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