Comparison: Cylinders Porsche 944 (1.Generation 1985 - 1991) vs. competitors

Porsche 944 - What is the cylinders of different engines?

Porsche 944 engines

Porsche 944 engines
Coupé Kat. 110 kW4
Coupé Kat. {automatic} 110 kW4
Coupé {automatic} 118 kW4
Coupé 118 kW4
Coupé 120 kW4
Coupé {automatic} 120 kW4
Coupé 2.7 121 kW4
Coupé 2.7 {automatic} 121 kW4
Coupé S 140 kW4
Coupé S2 155 kW4
Coupé turbo 162 kW4
Coupé turbo 184 kW4


Porsche 944 variants: 944 Cabriolet vs. 944 Coupé

Cylinders: Porsche 944 variants
Variant nameCylinders
944 Cabriolet4
944 Coupé4

The cylinders compared to other Porsche models

Porsche 944 vs other current cars by Porsche

Cylinders: 944 vs. other models by Porsche
Variant nameCylinders
944 Cabriolet Coupé Kat. {automatic} 110 kW4
944 Coupé Coupé Kat. {automatic} 110 kW4
959 331kW 1987 (m) 331 kW6
911 Carrera Cabriolet Speedster 184 kW6
911 Carrera Coupé Speedster 184 kW6
911 Speedster Speedster 184 kW6
911 Targa Speedster 184 kW6
911 Turbo Coupé Speedster 184 kW6
928 GT Kat. 243 kW8

How does the cylinders of the Porsche 944 compare to it's nearest competitors?

Porsche 944 vs. similar cars

Cylinders: Porsche 944 vs. similar cars
Car modelCylinders
Audi R8 Coupé 5.2 FSI V10 201910
Lamborghini Huracán Evo 201910
Ferrari Roma 20208
Ferrari F8 Tributo 20198
Ferrari SF90 Stradale 20208
Porsche 911 Carrera Coupé S 20196
Ferrari 296 20226
Porsche 718 Cayman 20164
Jaguar F-Type Coupé P300 20204
BMW Z4 Roadster sDrive20i 20224
Porsche 944 Coupé Kat. 19854
BMW 218i Coupé 20173

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