Comparison: Cylinders Peugeot 306 (1. Generation (1. Facelift) 1997 - 2002) vs. competitors

Peugeot 306 - What is the cylinders of different engines?

Peugeot 306 engines

Peugeot 306 engines
1.9 D S 50 kW
1.9 D Présence 51 kW
1.4 S 55 kW
1.6 Roland Garros 65 kW
1.6 Style {automatic} 65 kW
Break HDi 90 Tendance 66 kW
1.9 DT Crystal 66 kW
100 Prémium {automatic} 72 kW
Break 100 Tendance 72 kW
Cabriolet 1.8 {automatic} 74 kW
1.8 XR {automatic} 74 kW
Break 110 Tendance 81 kW
Cabriolet 2.0 16V {automatic} 97 kW
Cabriolet 2.0 16V 97 kW
S16 120 kW


The cylinders compared to other Peugeot models

Peugeot 306 vs other current cars by Peugeot

Cylinders: 306 vs. other models by Peugeot
Variant nameCylinders
607 V6 210 Platinum 152 kW4
806 2.0 Turbo ST 108 kW4
Partner {VAN} Profi Electric Venturi 42 kW4
106 S16 87 kW4
206 SW S16 100 kW4
206 CC S16 100 kW4
206 S16 100 kW4
Expert Kombi Kombi 1.9 D Komfort {8-seats} 51 kW4
Expert {VAN} Kombi 1.9 D Komfort {8-seats} 51 kW4
306 {sedan} S16 112 kW4
406 Break 1.8 Esplanade 66 kW4
306 Cabriolet S16 112 kW4
306 S16 112 kW4
Boxer Kombi Kombi 330 M 2.0 HDi Standard 62 kW4
Boxer {VAN} Kombi 330 M 2.0 HDi Standard 62 kW4
605 3.0 V6 24V SV 147 kW4
807 V6 205 Platinum Automatik 150 kW4
406 Limousine 1.8 Esplanade 66 kW4
406 Coupé 1.8 Esplanade 66 kW4
Partner Kombi Profi Electric Venturi 42 kW4

How does the cylinders of the Peugeot 306 compare to it's nearest competitors?

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