Comparison: Cylinders Mazda RX-8 (SE (1. Facelift) 2009 - 2010) vs. competitors

Mazda RX-8 - What is the cylinders of different engines?

The cylinders compared to other Mazda models

Mazda RX-8 vs other current cars by Mazda

Cylinders: RX-8 vs. other models by Mazda
Variant nameCylinders
3 MPS 191 kW4
3 MPS MPS 191 kW4
3 {sedan} MPS 191 kW4
6 Kombi Kombi 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 145 Center-Line 107 kW4
6 {sedan} Kombi 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 145 Center-Line 107 kW4
CX-5 2.2 SKYACTIV-D 175 Sports-Line AWD Automatik 129 kW4
MX-5 2.0 Sports-Line 118 kW4
MX-5 Roadster-Coupe 2.0 Sports-Line 118 kW4
5 2.0 DISI i-stop Sports-Line 110 kW4

How does the cylinders of the Mazda RX-8 compare to it's nearest competitors?

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