Comparison: CO2 emissions (WLTP) Land Rover Range Rover Sport vs. competitors 2024

Land Rover Range Rover Sport - What is the co2 emissions (wltp) of different engines?

Land Rover Range Rover Sport engines

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
Land Rover Range Rover Sport engines
EngineCO2 emissions (WLTP)
P460e S {automatic} 338 kW18.0 g/km
P550e Autobiography {automatic} 405 kW18.0 g/km
P440e S {automatic} 324 kW20.0 g/km
P510e Autobiography {automatic} 375 kW20.0 g/km
D250 S {automatic} 183 kW204.0 g/km
D350 Autobiography {automatic} 258 kW208.0 g/km
D250 SE {automatic} 183 kW211.0 g/km
D300 SE {automatic} 221 kW211.0 g/km
P400 Dynamic HSE {automatic} 294 kW229.0 g/km
P530 First Edition {automatic} 390 kW266.0 g/km
P635 SV Edition One FLux Silver {automatic} 467 kW282.0 g/km

The co2 emissions (wltp) compared to other Land Rover models

Land Rover Range Rover Sport vs other current cars by Land Rover

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Range Rover Sport vs. other models by Land Rover
Variant nameCO2 emissions (WLTP)
Range Rover Sport P635 SV Edition One FLux Silver {automatic} 467 kW20.0 g/km
Range Rover Velar P400e Plug-in-Hybrid S {automatic} 297 kW226.0 g/km
Discovery P360 AWD {automatic} 265 kW248.0 g/km
Range Rover P615 SV {automatic} 452 kW270.0 g/km

How does the co2 emissions (wltp) of the Land Rover Range Rover Sport compare to it's nearest competitors?

Land Rover Range Rover Sport vs. similar cars

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Land Rover Range Rover Sport vs. similar cars
Car modelCO2 emissions (WLTP)
BMW 740d 2023160.0 g/km
Cadillac XT4 350D 2020167.0 g/km
Audi Q5 40 TDI 2020168.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz Vito Tourer kompakt 114 CDI 2019177.0 g/km
Audi A6 50 TDI 2018183.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz V 220 d kompakt 2024185.0 g/km
Land Rover Range Rover Sport D250 2022204.0 g/km
Audi Q7 45 TDI 2019215.0 g/km
Audi Q8 50 TDI 2018216.0 g/km
ALPINA XD4 2021224.0 g/km
ALPINA XD3 2021224.0 g/km
Jeep Wrangler 2.2 CRDi 2018234.0 g/km
Jeep Gladiator 3.0 V6 Multijet 2021252.0 g/km

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