Comparison: seats Lada 110/111/112 vs. competitors 2024

Lada 110/111/112 - How has the seats changed over the generations?

The seats of the current generation of 110/111/112 is 5 .


Lada 110/111/112 variants: 110 vs. 111 vs. 112

Seats: Lada 110/111/112 variants
Variant nameSeats

The seats compared to other Lada models

Lada 110/111/112 vs other current cars by Lada

Seats: 110/111/112 vs. other models by Lada
Variant nameSeats

How does the seats of the Lada 110/111/112 compare to it's nearest competitors?

Lada 110/111/112 vs. similar cars

Seats: Lada 110/111/112 vs. similar cars
Car modelSeats
KIA Sephia 19965
KIA Clarus 19965
Hyundai Sonata 20015
Mitsubishi Galant 19805
Daihatsu Applause 19895
Fiat Regata 19835
Hyundai Lantra 19915
Renault R12 19755
Renault R18 19785
Datsun Laurel 19815
Opel Rekord 19825
Peugeot 405 19875
Datsun Violet 19805
Lada 110/111/112 19985
Wartburg 353 19694

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