Comparison: CO2 emissions (WLTP) Jaguar E-Pace vs. competitors 2024

Jaguar E-Pace - What is the co2 emissions (wltp) of different engines?

Jaguar E-Pace engines

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
Jaguar E-Pace engines
EngineCO2 emissions (WLTP)
P300e R-Dynamic S AWD {automatic} 198 kW31.0 g/km
P300e R-Dynamic S AWD Automatik 227 kW44.0 g/km
D165 FWD 120 kW158.0 g/km
D165 AWD Automatik 120 kW167.0 g/km
D200 AWD Automatik 150 kW169.0 g/km
P160 FWD Automatik 118 kW181.0 g/km
P160 R-Dynamic S FWD {automatic} 118 kW185.0 g/km
P200 AWD Automatik 147 kW200.0 g/km
P250 AWD Automatik 184 kW200.0 g/km
P300 Sport AWD Automatik 221 kW204.0 g/km

The co2 emissions (wltp) compared to other Jaguar models

Jaguar E-Pace vs other current cars by Jaguar

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): E-Pace vs. other models by Jaguar
Variant nameCO2 emissions (WLTP)
E-Pace P300e R-Dynamic S AWD {automatic} 227 kW181.0 g/km
XF Limousine Sportbrake D200 R-Dynamic SE AWD Automatik 150 kW181.0 g/km
XF Sportbrake Sportbrake D200 R-Dynamic SE AWD Automatik 150 kW188.0 g/km
F-Pace SVR Bespoke Edition 1988 AWD {automatic} 423 kW209.0 g/km
F-Type Coupé Cabriolet P300 R-Dynamic Quickshift 221 kW215.0 g/km
F-Type Cabriolet Cabriolet P300 R-Dynamic Quickshift 221 kW217.0 g/km
F-Pace SVR SVR Bespoke Edition 1988 AWD {automatic} 423 kW274.0 g/km

How does the co2 emissions (wltp) of the Jaguar E-Pace compare to it's nearest competitors?

Jaguar E-Pace vs. similar cars

(CO2 emissions (WLTP))
CO2 emissions (WLTP): Jaguar E-Pace vs. similar cars
Car modelCO2 emissions (WLTP)
Alfa Romeo Tonale 1.5 T 48V-Hybrid 2022129.0 g/km
Lexus NX 350h 2021129.0 g/km
BMW X1 sDrive18i 2022143.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz GLA 200 2020148.0 g/km
Mercedes-Benz GLB 180 2023158.0 g/km
Volvo XC60 B4 2021170.0 g/km
Jaguar E-Pace P160 2021181.0 g/km
CUPRA Formentor VZ 2.0 TSI 2020190.0 g/km
Genesis GV70 2.5T 2021216.0 g/km

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