Comparison: Cylinders CITROËN C3 Pluriel (1.Generation (1. Facelift) 2008 - 2010) vs. competitors

CITROËN C3 Pluriel - What is the cylinders of different engines?

The cylinders compared to other CITROËN models

CITROËN C3 Pluriel vs other current cars by CITROËN

Cylinders: C3 Pluriel vs. other models by CITROËN
Variant nameCylinders
C1 1.0 Advance 50 kW3
C3 VTi 120 Exclusive 88 kW3
DS 3 Racing e-HDi 70 FAP Chic EGS 50 kW4
DS 5 THP 200 So Chic 147 kW4
DS 4 THP 200 Sport Chic 147 kW4
C4 Picasso THP 165 Stop&Start Selection EAT6 121 kW4
Grand C4 Picasso THP 165 Stop&Start Selection EAT6 121 kW4
C8 HDi 165 Biturbo FAP Selection 120 kW4
Jumpy by Westfalia {VAN} 29 L2H1 HDi 90 FAP 66 kW4
Jumpy {VAN} {VAN} 29 L2H1 HDi 90 FAP 66 kW4
Jumpy Multispace {VAN} 29 L2H1 HDi 90 FAP 66 kW4
C4 Aircross e-HDi 150 Selection 2WD 110 kW4
Berlingo {VAN} {VAN} L2 Electric Niveau B 49 kW4
Berlingo Multispace {VAN} L2 Electric Niveau B 49 kW4
C3 Picasso VTi 120 Selection 88 kW4

How does the cylinders of the CITROËN C3 Pluriel compare to it's nearest competitors?

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