Comparison: Departure angle CITROËN C-Crosser vs. competitors 2024

CITROËN C-Crosser - How has the departure angle changed over the generations?

The departure angle of the current generation of C-Crosser is 21.00 °.

The departure angle compared to other CITROËN models

CITROËN C-Crosser vs other current cars by CITROËN

(Departure angle)
Departure angle: C-Crosser vs. other models by CITROËN
Variant nameDeparture angle

How does the departure angle of the CITROËN C-Crosser compare to it's nearest competitors?

CITROËN C-Crosser vs. similar cars

(Departure angle)
Departure angle: CITROËN C-Crosser vs. similar cars
Car modelDeparture angle
Dodge Nitro 200734.00 °
Hyundai Tucson 200431.90 °
Peugeot 4008 201231.00 °
Renault Koleos 200831.00 °
SsangYong Actyon 200629.00 °
SsangYong Korando 201128.20 °
Ford Edge 201628.00 °
Volvo XC60 200827.00 °
VW Tiguan 200725.00 °
Ford Kuga 200825.00 °
Opel Antara 200623.00 °
ALPINA XD3 201322.60 °
ALPINA XD4 201822.60 °
Jaguar E-Pace 201821.10 °
Peugeot 4007 200721.00 °
Citroen C-Crosser 200721.00 °
Hyundai Grand Santa Fe 201320.20 °
Mercedes-Benz GLB 201918.30 °
Mercedes-Benz GLC 201516.50 °

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