Comparison: Cylinders Chevrolet HHR (1.Generation 2008 - 2009) vs. competitors

Chevrolet HHR - What is the cylinders of different engines?

The cylinders compared to other Chevrolet models

Chevrolet HHR vs other current cars by Chevrolet

Cylinders: HHR vs. other models by Chevrolet
Variant nameCylinders
Captiva 3.0 LTZ 4WD {automatic} 190 kW4
Malibu 2.4 LTZ 123 kW4
Aveo 1.6 LTZ 85 kW4
Aveo {sedan} 1.6 LTZ 85 kW4
Camaro Cabriolet Cabriolet 6.2 V8 {automatic} 298 kW8
Camaro Coupé Cabriolet 6.2 V8 {automatic} 298 kW8

How does the cylinders of the Chevrolet HHR compare to it's nearest competitors?

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