Comparison: Empty weight (EU) BMW Isetta (1.Generation 1955 - 1962) vs. competitors

BMW Isetta - What is the empty weight (eu) of different engines?

BMW Isetta engines

(Empty weight (EU))
BMW Isetta engines
EngineEmpty weight (EU)
250 9 kW360 kg
300 10 kW360 kg
1. 250 9 kW 360 kg
2. 300 10 kW 360 kg

The empty weight (eu) compared to other BMW models

BMW Isetta vs other current cars by BMW

(Empty weight (EU))
Empty weight (EU): Isetta vs. other models by BMW
Variant nameEmpty weight (EU)
Isetta 300 10 kW360 kg
600 14kW 1957 (m) 14 kW560 kg
700 Coupé Luxus 22 kW630 kg
700 Baur-Cabrio Luxus 22 kW680 kg
700 Limousine Luxus 22 kW680 kg
507 Roadster Roadster 110 kW1280 kg
501/502/3200 Limousine 501 47 kW1340 kg
503 Cabrio Cabrio 103 kW1465 kg
503 Coupé Cabrio 103 kW1465 kg

How does the empty weight (eu) of the BMW Isetta compare to it's nearest competitors?

BMW Isetta vs. similar cars

(Empty weight (EU))
Empty weight (EU): BMW Isetta vs. similar cars
Car modelEmpty weight (EU)
BMW Isetta 250 1955360 kg

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