Comparison: seats Rolls-Royce Spectre vs. competitors 2024

Rolls-Royce Spectre - How has the seats changed over the generations?

The seats of the current generation of Spectre is 4 .

The seats compared to other Rolls-Royce models

How does the seats of the Rolls-Royce Spectre compare to it's nearest competitors?

Rolls-Royce Spectre vs. similar cars

Seats: Rolls-Royce Spectre vs. similar cars
Car modelSeats
Aston Martin DB9 GT 20154
Ferrari Roma 20204
Aston Martin DB11 20164
Ferrari GTC4Lusso 20164
Aston Martin DBS Superleggera 20184
Rolls-Royce Wraith 20134
Porsche Taycan 20204
Polestar 1 20204
Rolls-Royce Spectre 20234
McLaren GT Series 20192
Ferrari F12 berlinetta 20132
Ferrari 458 20092
Lamborghini Huracán 20142
Ferrari 488 20152
Mercedes-Benz AMG ONE 20222
McLaren Super Series 20142
Ferrari SF90 20202
Ferrari 812 20172
Maserati MC20 20212
Ferrari 296 20222
Ferrari F8 20192
Lamborghini Aventador 20112
Lotus Evija 20222
Lotus Emira 20222
McLaren Supercar Series 20212
Ferrari F12 tdf 20162

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